Let me take care of your admin so you can get back to doing what you do best and growing your business

  • You no longer have time to manage your day-to-day operations and work ON your business

  • Your invoicing and expenses regularly fall behind

  • You need process implemented so that you actually have something to hand over to new employees or contractors

  • You get lost keeping up with Social Media trends

  • You would like an operations sounding board but often feel alone

  • You aren’t capable of dedicating time to engage with your social audience

  • You need support, but cannot commit to a permanent staff member as you get used to the ebbs and flows of small business.

Does this sound like you?

I offer a range of unique tailored services depending on the synchronicities of your business, your support priorities, and your budget. 

Working together, we will increase your workflow, essentially making you feel like you can get double the work done… every small business owners dream!

Step 1

Firstly, let’s have a chat so I can get to know your business.

I love knowing your why, the passions behind your drive, and your big-time goals.

Step 2

I will offer input and ideas around where I think you could gain value from using a Virtual Assistant, be it:

  • Getting things organised at the forefront of your business to help make plans for your future

  • Streamlining customer experience and helping you keep one step ahead

  • Setting up or refining processes

  • Taking time to research new ways of doing things, to create efficiency and productivity

  • Social Media management

  • Template creation to streamline your business communications

  • Diary and Email Management, so you don’t have to look at that inbox every minute of the day

  • Reservations, bookings, event planning

… or anything else unique to your products or services.

Step 3

You can decide which of my service offerings suit both your budget and your business goals.

And then the fun part… we can get to work handing over, and you can look forward to feeling more in control of your business.

You can’t build your empire if you are stuck in your Inbox!

Contact me today to discuss my pricing and packages, so we can get to work on managing your busy workload, and getting you organised.